Monday 26 November 2007

Xbox 360 enters social networking

Microsoft have announced today that the next update for the Xbox 360, expected on December 4, will allow users to see other members friends lists, hence allowing them to invite them to their own list in the way Facebook users do and challenge them to a game of Halo 3 (something Facebook users can't).

I'm not sure I love the idea, with Facebook you end up with lots of friends of friends on your list for the same reason. I prefer to keep my Xbox Live list down to my key friends I enjoy playing against. Plus the pop ups mid game telling you someone has signed in can be a pain if you have large active list.

All configurable though so I'm sure some will welcome it. As will concerned parents who will be able to set a Family Timer to restrict access to the console at certain time. Yeah right, like any teenager will let his or her parents near that setting!

MS are also launching the Xbox Originals download service and will be putting its Xbox releases on sale for a fee. They don't seem old enough to be classed as Retro but I guess some will be worth a look at.

IPTV won't make it this year, which is probably a good thing. There are enough games out to play you won't have time for watching TV, on the 360 or elsewhere!
Happy Gaming!

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