Saturday 22 December 2007

Xbox 360 Games of the year 2007

In our opinion the Xbox 360 has been the console of year and with that in mind, we have put together our top five games of the year for 2007. If you are getting a Xbox 360 for Christmas, you should seriously look at these titles.

5. Half Life 2: Orange Box

Excellent value for money and plenty of hours gameplay, with Half Life 2 including Episode 1 and Episode 2, Portal and the amazing online Team Fortress 2.

Five brilliant games in one - its a must have on the 360

4. PGR4 - Project Gotham Racing 4

Whilst PGR3 was technically brilliant it was a bit too anal for a lot of gamers, the smallest error costing you the race and make the whole process frustrating. PGR4 comes back much stronger and puts the fun back into the series.

With a fantastic amount of cars to choose from, incredible graphics and fantastic gameplay, its a racers dream.

3. Halo 3

Truly fantastic - there isn't much you can say about this game. At first it feels familar and you wonder if it has moved on that much since Halo 2 but as you get further into the game you get blown away by the awesome graphics and sheer scale of the battles.

This must be one of those games that anyone who owns a Xbox 360 must have.

2. Call of Duty 4

Infinity Ward have come back with an absolute stormer with COD4 on the Xbox 360. The graphics are amazing, echoing the footage we are all used to watching on channels with Sky News. The game play is gripping and the multiplayer is best of class, hours and hours of fun. Only stayed off the no.1 spot cause the single player is just a little too short (but at least you'll complete it!)

1. BioShock

Some games don't live up to their hype which leaves a bad taste in your mouth. BioShock however delivers and delivers. Gripping from the offset this creepy FPS takes you to an amazing underwater world where you really can choose your destiny. The graphics are incredible, the story line is awesome and you just won't put this down. So good, you'll start again from the beginning and choose a different path!
No spoilers here but this one is an example of the sheer power of the Xbox 360 and happily the Gadgets, Gaming and Girls Blog winner of Xbox 360 Game of the Year. Enjoy it!

1 comment:

PC Pal said...

Cool site! I need to try Halo 3. I keep hearing about all the time!

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